Distillery Equipment

Cold Brew Coffee Extraction Tank

Cold Brew Coffee Extraction Tank

Brew coffee with cold brew coffee extraction tank and Materials is Premium stainless steel 304 with Cooling Jacket and PU Insulation. 

Product Description

Cold Brew Coffee Extraction Tank is a specialized piece of equipment used in the cold brew coffee production process. This tank is designed to steep coffee grounds in cold water for an extended period, typically 12 to 24 hours, to produce a smooth and less acidic coffee concentrate.

Process of cold brew coffee:

1.Breakthe coffee beans into small particles.

2.Put the broken coffee particles into the hydrator and add drinkable water at the same time. The ratio of coffee and water is about 1:10 ~ 1:15, according to different processes, see the picture below

cold brew coffee extraction tank

3.Useraker to mix the water and coffee well, as shown in the picture below

Cold Brew Coffee Extraction Tank2

4.Cold brew: After setting the temperature on the control cabinet, the coolant enters the jacket, the general cold brew temperature is set to 0– 27℃ , and the specific temperature must be determined according to different coffee processes.

cold brew coffee extraction tank

5.Thecold brew time is about 5 hours, according to different coffee

6.Afterthe cold brew is finished, cycle until the coffee juice is clear, as shown in below picture

cold brew coffee extraction tank

7.Aftercoffee juice clear, enter the coffee filter tank

cold brew coffee extraction tank

8.The filtered coffee juice enters the fermenter for fermentation (fermentation temperature below 30 degrees, according to differentcoffee processes), as shown in the picture below.

cold brew coffee extraction tank

If you’re interested in a specific type of cold brew coffee extraction tank or need help selecting one, let me know!

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0086 153 1556 2731



Factory address

Pingyuan County Economic Development Zone, Dezhou City, Shandong Province