Beer fermenters are designed specifically to meet unique and diverse brewing requirements. Whether small or large volume, our knowledge of the brewing process, customization capabilities and quality craftsmanship combine to satisfy the needs of the most discerning and demanding brewers. Our industry-leading conical beer fermenters are available ranging in size from 2 BBL to 300 BBL(250L to 300HL).
Product Brief Introduction:
Beer fermenters are designed specifically to meet unique and diverse brewing requirements. Whether small or large volume, our knowledge of the brewing process, customization capabilities and quality craftsmanship combine to satisfy the needs of the most discerning and demanding brewers. Our industry-leading conical beer fermenters are available ranging in size from 2 BBL to 300 BBL(250L to 300HL).
Certified stainless-steel material. Sanitary construction with 100% TIG welded joints and seams with sanitary interior polish. All beer fermenter tanks and jackets inspected and pressure tested to 2 times operating pressure. All the beer fermenter tanks insulated with high efficiency polyurethane foam. We can custom fabricate any beer fermenter to meet your brewery’s space and height restrictions. Design pressure of beer fermenters is 30 PSI。