Brewery Case

12HL Beer Brewing System In New Zealand

1200L direct fired brewing equipment

12HL beer brewing system in New Zealand

12HL beer brewery project is finished for New Zealand, direct fire heating. This design can solve the problem of insufficient electricity and gas at the brewery site. If you want to build a brewery but do not have enough electricity or gas, direct fire with a gas burner is the best solution.

Main specifications:

12HL complete brewery, 2 vessels brewhouse, 1200L mash lauter tun, 1200L kettle / whirlpool tun, with direct fire heating

25HL Hot water tank, direct fire heating

5x 12HL unitanks

1x 12HL bright beer tank

1x 25HL glycol water tank

1x 10HP glycol chiller

150L CIP trolley system

Plate heat exchanger

Gas burner

Beer hoses

PID stainless steel control, UL listed

Pumps, valves, pipes, etc

Semi-automatic bottle filling and capping machine

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0086 153 1556 2731


Factory address

Pingyuan County Economic Development Zone, Dezhou City, Shandong Province